File Extensions as shown on

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(COMMAND file) If you want to run a program, you have to look for a file with this extension. The COM extension refers to a file which can always be run, is in machine code, and can be loaded from anywhere (EXDOS, BASIC, WP etc.) Warning! CP/M programs also use the COM file extension, but these can be loaded only in IS-DOS!


(BATCH-file) Batch command file. This is a standard text file containing executable EXDOS commands (or other commands which can be interpreted by other system extensions). These commands are executed by the system one by one, when you run the file.


Initialising (start-up) file (text file). A special variant of this is EXDOS.INI, which is run by EXDOS at each system restart.


BASIC file. A file containing a Basic program. It can be run by loading it into IS-BASIC. The Enterprise does not store BASIC programs as text but in a coded (tokenised) format.


A loader (runnable file) for a program compiled by Zzzip. The extension is somewhat misleading as it is actually a BASIC program, so it is to be loaded in IS-BASIC.


A program file (not runnable) compiled by Zzzip. It cannot be run directly, but instead by runnning a BASIC loader (with ZIP extension).


Pascal source code. The Pascal program has to be compiled before running so a file with PAS extension has to be compiled into a runnable file with COM extension. PAS files can be loaded into the Pascal editor.


ASMON / ASMEN source text. It's a source program in machine code which can be loaded into the editor of ASMON / ASMEN then compiled.


HEASS (program of Laci Haluska) source text. It's a source program in/of machine code, loadable and compilable using HEASS's editor.


FENAS source text. It's a source program in/of machine code, loadable and compilable using HEASS's editor.


FENAS source text. It's a source program in/of machine code, loadable and compilable using HEASS's editor.


It's an absolute system extension. One of the best inventions of the Enterprise's operating system is using system extensions. After loading files of EXT extension nothing seems to happen, but typing the :HELP command we can detect the new extension at once. Some system extensions run automatically after loading but this is not typical.


Into EPROM burnable version of the absolute system extension (only the header differs). EPDOS can load it. The emulator also uses such files, so optional configurations can be created in the emulator using them. Warning! Do not confuse it with the ROM files being in some games converted from Spectrum! These files contain the Spectrum ROM - using them it is easier to convert a game though its quality is low.


A loader of a game with eternal life. It is not a standard extension, it's an Enterprise speciality. It can be found at games, the game can be started with eternal life (eternal munition, etc.) using it, so it is a runnable file.


EDC Windows application. It is the standard extension for EDC Windows applications. It can be started only after running EDC Windows, of course.


It's the file format of Enterprise Word Processor. The files written in WP (and saved by the SAVE command) should be named with the WP extension.


It's the file format of HWP, the best word processing software (the work of Laci Haluska) for Enterprise.


A standard text file. On the Enterprise it is not traditional. E.g. using WP's PRINT command, files "printed" to the disk can be created and called TXT files.


Digitrax Module file. MOD pieces of music converted from PC. They can only be of 64kb size unfortunately which restricts the opportunities in sounding. They can be played using Digitrax Module Player. (See: Music heading here)


Video file, which can be played using IPLAY. (This program is also part of the Multiplay program pack.)


A compressed (game) program. The compression method was developed by Attus. It links simple repetitions after one another. It can be loaded using DTF&TOM program.


Doubly compressed file. A further developed version of TOM. In the first step it links simple repetitions after one another (like TOM), then in the second step it performs further compression: after statistic analysis statisztikai analízis után ezt optimális változó bithosszúsági módszerrel tömöríti tovább. Its decompression is slower but it is a compresser of very good efficiency. Az ilyen játékok azt esetek többségében egy file-ból állnak, de utántöltős játékoknál előfordul, hogy az egyes részek külön file-ban maradtak. Betölthető a DTF&TOM programmal (ezzel elég lassú), vagy a ZozoTools DL parancsával. Ha a DTF&TOM betöltőt akarjuk használni, a DTF file-okat gyűjtsük össze közös lemezekre, és a betöltőt az összes lemezre érdemes felvenni (nem foglal sok helyet).


Tömörített állomány. Az EPDOS PP parancsával készíthető tömörített állomány. A tömörítés kevésbé hatékony mint az DTF, de a kezelése sokkal egyszerűbb! A PCK állományt bármikor kicsomagolhatjuk. Az EPDOS képes betölteni.


Képernyő állomány. Elsősorban játékprogramoknál találkozhatunk vele, mint a betöltő képernyőt tartalmazó (spectrum képernyő-formátumú) file, de lehet a VLOAD paranccsal betölthető formátum is.


Program állomány. Szintén játékprogramoknál találkozhatunk vele elsősorban. Gépi kódú programot tartalmazó állomány, nekünk nincs vele dolgunk, nem tudjuk közvetlenül futtatni (csak ha a COM kiterjesztésű betöltő-programjával indítjuk).